Like Techs Non Woven Fabric Bag Quality Standard

Like Techs Non Woven Fabric Bag Quality Standard

To all work units:

Factory standard applies to shopping bags all/mainly made of non wovens fabric material.

1 The Quality of Non woven fabric bags produced by Like Techs Factories must conformed to Chinese Nation Standard FZ/T64035-2014

2 Marks

2.1 Non woven fabric bag should mark the main raw materials, specifications, the maximum bearing weight, the standard code and manufacturer.

2.2 The maximum bearing weight

Non-woven fabric shopping bags should be clearly identified maximum bearing weight in the nearest kg (kg).

2.3 Specifications

Non-woven fabric shopping bags must be marked with the body (except shopping bag carrying handle, including seam portion) dimensions, namely length × (width) × height In mm.

3 Fabric weight need to be marked in the bag with tolerance no exceed ±5%.

4 Size need to be tested by four times on each side at equal intervals. The average size tolerance shall not exceed ±1%.

5 Fabric need to be clean and neat. Stitch line need to be straight without skipping needle and floating thread.

6 Printing quality shall be clean, printing patterns and characters shall be clear and complete, the ink shall be uniform and the overprint shall be accurate.

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